Welcome to BELT (BERT For Longer Texts)’s documentation!

The project requires Python 3.9+ to run. We recommend training the models on the GPU. Hence, it is necessary to install torch version compatible with the machine. The version of the driver depends on the machine - first, check the version of GPU drivers by the command nvidia-smi and choose the newest version compatible with these drivers according to this table (e.g.: 11.1). Then we install torch to get the compatible build. Here, we find which torch version is compatible with the CUDA version on our machine.

Another option is to use the CPU-only version of torch:

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu

Next, we recommend installing via pip:

pip3 install belt-nlp

If you want to clone the repo in order to run tests or notebooks, you can use the requirements.txt file.

BERT modification for longer texts


The BERT model can only use the text of the maximal length of 512 tokens (roughly speaking: token = word). It is built in the model architecture and cannot be directly changed. Discussion of this issue can be found here.


Method to overcome this issue was proposed by Devlin (one of the authors of BERT) in the previously mentioned discussion: comment.

The procedure of splitting and pooling is determined by the hyperparameters of the class BertClassifierWithPooling. These are maximal_text_length, chunk_size, stride, minimal_chunk_length, and pooling_strategy. They are used in the following way:

  • The parameter maximal_text_length is used to truncate the tokens. It can be either None, which means no truncation, or an integer, determining the number of tokens to consider. Standard BERT truncates to 510 tokens because it needs 2 additional tokens at the beginning and the end.

  • The integer parameter chunk_size determines the size (in number of tokens) of each chunk. This parameter cannot be larger than 510. Otherwise, we will not be able to fit the chunk into the input of BERT.

  • Tokens may overlap depending on the parameter stride.

  • In other words: we get chunks by moving the window of the size chunk_size by the length equal to stride. Stride cannot be bigger than chunk size. Chunks must overlap or be near each other.

  • Stride has the analogous meaning here to that in convolutional neural networks.

  • The chunk_size is analogous to kernel_size in 1D CNNs.

  • We ignore chunks which are too small - smaller than minimal_chunk_length. This parameter cannot be set larger than chunk_size.

  • See the example in the aforementioned comment.

  • More examples of splitting with different sets of parameters are in test_splitting.

  • The string parameter pooling_strategy is used at the end to aggregate the model results. It can be either mean or max.

1. Preparing a single text

We follow this instruction. The main difference is that we allow the text chunks to overlap.

  • Tokenize the whole text (if maximal_text_length=None) or truncate to the size maximal_text_length.

  • Split the tokens into chunks based on the model hyperparameters chunk_size, stride, and minimal_chunk_length.

  • For each chunk add special tokens at the beginning and the end.

  • Add padding tokens to make all tokenized sequences the same length.

  • Stack the tensor chunks into one via torch.stack.

2. Model evaluation

  • The stacked tensor is then fed into the model as a mini-batch.

  • We get N probabilities, one for each text chunk.

  • We obtain the final probability by using the aggregation function on these probabilities (this function is mean or maximum - it depends on the hyperparameter pooling_strategy).

3. Fine-tuning the classifier

  • During training, we do the same steps as above. The crucial part is that all the operations of the type cat/stack/split/mean/max must be done on tensors with the attached gradient. That is, we use built-in torch tensor transformations. Any intermediate conversions to lists or arrays are not allowed. Otherwise, the crucial backpropagation command loss.backward() won’t work. More precisely, we override the standard torch training loop in the method _evaluate_single_batch in the bert_with_pooling.py.

  • Because the number of chunks for the given input text is variable, texts after tokenization are tensors with variable length. The default torch class Dataloader cannot allow this (because it automatically wants to stack the tensors). That is why we create custom dataloaders with overwritten method collate_fn - more details can be found here.


  • Because we fed all the text chunks as a mini-batch, the procedure may use a lot of GPU memory to fit all the gradients during fine-tuning even with batch_size=1. In this case, we recommend setting the parameter maximal_text_length to truncate longer texts. Naturally, this is the trade-off between the context we want the model to look at and the available resources. Setting maximal_text_length=510 is equivalent to using the standard BERT model with truncation.

Indices and tables